Courses taught in part by Cheatham, Spring 2001: Medicinal Chemistry 5220

NOTE: this information is intended only for the students of
MDCH 5220 at the University of Utah in the Spring Semester 2001.
This information will only be available during the course.

To avoid copyright issues, access to the course notes and handouts is now password protected. e-mail me if you want access now and during the next class, I will give out the access information.

Contact Information

Office: INSCC 418 (call first)
phone: 587-9653

The most reliable means of reaching me is by e-mail.


Access to (password protected) Class presentations and handouts

Here is a link to the study guide for Exam 1 as a HTML file. If you'd rather download a nicer looking PDF file, here is a link to this.

The first exam has been returned and most everyone did really well. Note however that the next exam may not be graded as easily and will likely be longer so come to class, ask questions and try to learn and understand the presented material!

WWW resources

Please e-mail me if you have any questions!!!
thomas <>
Last modified: January 2001