Description of lidar_animation_iop7.gif Animation of wind and potential temperature structure during IOP7 within a 15° azimuth vertical plane through the crater (location in Fig. 1 of Whiteman et al. 2018). Terrain is indicated by a solid black line and rim elevation by a dot-dash line. Off-plane data are projected perpendicularly onto the plane. 5-min averaging interval. Individual tethersonde soundings (not averaged) are the closest in time within ±7.5 minutes of the averaging interval midpoint. Left sub-figures: Black vectors are 2D (u,w) winds. TS-B wind profiles (blue vectors) have no w-component and are offset from its plain location (moved closer to the crater). TS-SW is at the dashed vertical line. Winds come from dual-lidar retrievals with red triangles the the lidar locations. The north rim lidar is the x-coordinate origin. Wind data also come from the RIM tower, the BASE tethersonde, and the SSW4 and SSW2 sites. Color contours (see legend) indicate wind speeds within the plane. Right sub-figures: Potential temperature soundings at sites shown in the legend. The reference height for the potential temperatures is the floor of the basin, and potential temperatures are reported in °C. The sloping dashed line is an isothermal temperature gradient. Whiteman, C. D., M. Lehner, S. W. Hoch, B. Adler, N. Kalthoff, and T. Haiden, 2018:Katabatical;ly driven cold air intrusions into a basin atmosphere, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. Submitted.