The program is user driven, with various commands being typed in response to the rdparm prompt. To run the program, it is necessary to specify an AMBER prmtop file. If an AMBER prmtop is not specified on the command line (or incorrectly specified on the command line) the user will be prompted for a valid prmtop filename.
Type help information
List all the angles (involving any of the atoms in the mask, default: all atoms).
List atom information, such as name, charge, residue name, etc. (involving any of the atoms in the mask, default: all atoms).
List all the bonds (involving any of the atoms in the mask, default: all atoms).
Read in the coordinate file specified in the filename, check for inconsistencies and print out a summary of the information.
Read in the XPLOR formatted contour file (such as that generated with the ptraj grid command) and print out a summary of the density.
Process the atom mask listed in mask; this is used for debugging.
Delete the bond, angle or dihedral numbered number from the prmtop. Although the prmtop is modified internally, the original prmtop is unchanged, hence to effect the changes write a new prmtop with the writeparm command. To figure out the numbering, use the bond, angle or dihedral command (with no arguments).
Same as above, but delete perturbed bonds, angles or dihedrals.
List all the dihedrals (involving any of the atoms in the mask, default: all atoms).
Dump out a summary of all the dihedral parameter types in the prmtop.
Quit the program.
Print out help information.
Print out a summary of the information in the prmtop file.
Convert mardigras restraints into sander style restraints. The user is prompted for necessary information.
Modify the periodic box information. You will be prompted for information.
Change the molecule information.
Run the ptraj functionality.
Read in a different prmtop file.
Like info, print out a summary of the information in the prmtop file.
Like bonds, but applied to the perturbed bonds only.
Like angles, but applied to the perturbed bonds only.
Like dihedrals, but applied to the perturbed bonds only.
Same as bonds.
Same as angles.
Same as dihedrals.
Same as atoms.
Will print out the charges in a format suitable for input to Delphi.
Print out the excluded atom list.
Print out a summary of the Lennard-Jones parameters.
Print out the currently specified AMBER atom types.
Run ptraj
Exit the program.
Load up another prmtop file.
Add in PARM type restraints; you will be prompted for atom numbers. This is not recommended as similar functionality is now within sander.
This will scale all the coordinates in a given periodic box.
This will strip water from a trajectory; it is recommended that ptraj be used to do this instead!
Use the system() call to run command (outside of rdparm).
Create a new prmtop that has a different number of water molecules.
Shift coordinates (use ptraj instead!).
Shift coordinates (use ptraj instead!).
Output a new prmtop file.