Wind River Mtns. Backpack Plan

Map (290 kB) of the trip plan.
Tuesday 3.7.:
Drive from SLC to the trailhead, 4-5 hrs. drive.
Wednesday 4.7.:
Hike from the trailhead to camp at Island Lake. About 11 miles, some elevation change, so it will be a strenuous hike.
Thursday 5.7.:
Climb Elephant Head and Harrower Peaks from the south. Most likely snow climb, and some exposure on the ridge to Harrower. Class 3 climb according to the guide book. Distance probably about 6 miles round trip, elevation change ca. 2500 ft.
Friday 5.7.:
Climb Fremont Peak, second highest in the Winds. One way approx. 5 miles, elevation change cca. 3000 ft. First 3 miles moderate hike into Indian Basin, the rest climb up to the south ridge and from there to the peak. There will be snow for most part of the last 2 miles. This one will be long, so we should start up early.
Saturday 6.7.:
Climb Mt. Lester from the north side, and possibly walk up the ridge to the east. The north side will be probably whole snow, distance of the loop ca. 5 miles, just up and down the peak ca. 3 miles, elevation change ca. 1500 ft.
Sunday 7.7.:
Hike back to the car and drive home.

Naturally, the actual schedule will depend on the weather.

To give an idea, how it may look like, here is a story of several russians who'se first 2 days were the same what we want to do in the first day. Some of the pictures are inspiring. It's all in Russian, so make sure you have the right code page set (Cyrilic KOI8-R).
Another good link, from our very own Jack Simons, is here. This is just to give an idea on what the mountains look like, since they've done this in late august, when there is much less snow.

It can get pretty cold there, as it seems, so equipment wise, take warm clothes. I will take 2 fleeces, 2 pants, rain jacket, a couple of long sleeve shirts, shorts, short sleeve shirts, hats, gloves,... Most of the climbs will be on snow, so, I am bringing ice axe and crampons. Also, supposedly, in the lower elevations, mosquitoes can be a problem, bring repelent. The camp spot should be mosquito-free, it's pretty high, so it will probably be too early for them.

As a backup plan in case of bad weather, I am thinking on heading to Uintas in the Red Castle area. I have about 5 day backpack through that area in mind, climbing most of the peaks above Red Castle lakes.

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