Distributed Information Systems for Clinical and Translational Research
Modern biomedical research inclusive of clinical trials and comparative effectiveness often requires federation and/or integration of data from multiple disparate sources such as clinical and electronic health record data (phenotypes), genomic public and private annotations (genotypes), bio specimen collections and environmental data. In these area of research, we focus on the development and deployment of systems, which using the principles of SOA (Service Oriented Architectures), facilitate federation and integration of data of dissimilar sources and characteristics to meet the needs of data scientists working in biomedical applications. These activities are part of the Utah Clinical and Translational Science Institute Biomedical Informatics Core (http://medicine.utah.edu/ccts/bmic/) and the NIBIB fundend
Informatics Center.

Exemplar Publications
- Rajan, N.S., Gouripeddi, R., Mo, P., Madsen, R.K., Facelli, J.C ; Towards a content agnostic computable knowledge repository for data quality assessment (2019) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 177, pp. 193-201.
- Gouripeddi, R., Tran, L.-T., Madsen, R., Gangadhar, T., Mo, P., Burnett, N., Butcher, R., Sward, K., Facelli, J.C. ; An Architecture for metadata-driven integration of heterogeneous sensor and health data for translational exposomic research (2019) 2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics, BHI 2019 - Proceedings, art. no. 8834657,
- Thibault JC, Roe DR, Facelli JC, Cheatham TE (2014). Data model, dictionaries, and desiderata for biomolecular simulation data indexing and sharing. J Cheminform, 6(1), 4.
- Bradshaw, R.L., Gouripeddi, R., Facelli, J.C ; Concept Bag: A New Method for Computing Concept Similarity in Biomedical Data (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11466 LNBI, pp. 15-23
- Groat, D., Gouripeddi, R., Madsen, R., Lin, Y.K., Facelli, J.C ; An Architecture to Support Real-World Studies that Investigate the Autonomic Nervous System (2019) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11721 LNCS, pp. 196-203