columns in the trax_comp.csv file %complete time string %all times are local %01:time %02:year %03:month %04:day %05:hr %06:min %07:lat of trax %08:trax lon %09:hawthorne 75% perctile for the day %10:trax type for day 0 somewhere; 1 red; 2 green; 3 depot 4 no loc info %11:distance on red %12:distance on green %13:whether at depot dps =0 %14:trx pm %15:naa pm %16:mtmet pm %17:hawthorne pm %18:train speed %19:st to naa %20:dist to mtm %21:dist to haw %22:pm diff rel to naa %23:pm diff rel to mtmet %24:m diff rel to haw %25:rh of envir %26:diff in rh between env and esampler %27:temp on train %train speed (m/s) %dist to naa (km) %dist to mtm (km) %dist to haw (km) %pm diff rel to naa %pm diff rel to mtmet %pm diff rel to haw %rh of environ %diff in rh between env and esampler %temp on train (C)