For all of these scripts, change the ending to csh instead of dat when you save them to your system. Netscape did not allow me to list them as csh files. Also, you will definitely need to change the directory structure in the scripts to fit to your own. These scripts are meant to run as crontabs or manually.
BEWARE - one of the worst things that happens to all of this data ingest is hung ftps. This make your scripts think that everything is fine, when it really isn't. So check periodically to make sure that things are functioning. Another thing that can seriously impact the performance of these scripts is having your disk fill up. When this happens the data files that keep track of what has been done, what is being done, and what needs to be done don't get created - the scripts will end up doing things that have already been done and bog down your system.

To start off, you need a script that gets the available date files from the nic directories of gets a directory listing of the files when a date file is not avaialable - get_nic_date.csh

At present, we are interested in the 00z,12z Eta; 00z,12z NGM; 00z,03z,06z,09z,12z,15z,18z,21z RUC along with 00z-23z surface RUC; 00z MRF; 00z,12z AVN; 00z,12z ENSEMBLE; and 03z,15z MesoEta.

Eta: The Eta 104 grids are available on both the nic and the oso server.
Here's the script for the nic - get_eta_nic.csh. Essentially, this scripts checks the date files that you get and when the date changes, it gets the new files. The biggest problem that occurs is that the date files may not be updated even though the files have been. If this occurs, then you need to ftp to the nic, verify for yourself that they are there, and get them manually. This process could also be worked in as a script, and I plan on doing that.
Here's the scripts for the oso server - get_eta_oso.csh. Some adjustments may need to be made with the logic of the time checking if you are in a time zone different from Mountain.

NGM: The NGM 104 grids are available on the nic.
Here's the script - get_ngm_nic.csh. This script runs essentially the same as the Eta nic script. Although these grib files are available every three hours (the forecasts), we only get the 6 hour forecast files.

MRF: The MRF 002 grids are currently available from the oso server with future plans to put them on the nic.
Here's the scripts for the oso server - get_mrf_oso.csh. This scripts runs essentially the same as the Eta oso script. Modifications can be made to get more grib files since the MRF is now available out to 16 days (384 hours). "Also, I have recently been informed that these grib files are from the T62 resolution run of the MRF, not the T162 run. However, the higher resolution runs should be made available soon." I believe that the higher resolution run is available. The script has been updated. However, I am having to process the GRIB files with GEMPAK5.2 to make the parameter names be HGHT instead of HGHTC001, for example.




Last updated on 07 April 1997