Aubrey was born on July 30, 2008 at University Hospital in Salt Lake City at 5:15 pm. She weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces and measured 19.5 inches long. She was delivered via scheduled C-section. Thus, Aurora didn't labor with her at all. Nonetheless, all is well and Aurora and Aubrey are doing fine.

Aurora shows off her belly on the big day!

Wesley can't wait to see his new sister.

Brian waiting in the "Labor and Delivery" room.

Aurora in her gown...waiting for the docters.

"Daddy, you're a doctor!" exclaimed Wesley when he saw this photo.

Aurora in recovery.

Not quite 2 hours old.

One day old. Her outfit says, "My heart belongs to Daddy."

Zach Olsen, Brian's cousin, holding Aubrey.

Wesley was elated to hold her.

"Don't take a photo of me right now, Brian!"

At home now, just after a bath, with Grandma Olsen who came to help.

One week old. Recovering from a bit of high bilirubin, but otherwise in excellent condition.