Peter Sinks Field Experiment
 (9-13 September 1999)


             Extended Abstract

Experiment Domain

Topo map of Peter Sinks
Aerial photo of Peter Sinks (low resolution)
1 meter resolution photo image of Peter Sinks (8 mb)

Field Sites

Single Slope Deployment
Two Slope Deployment

Numerical Experiments

ARPS 1-hour forecast output of diurnal upslope flows.
ARPS 20 minute forecast of nocturnal downslope flows

Cross section of Peter Sinks showing cold air pool evolution initialized at 06Z.
  10 min ARPS output
  20 min ARPS output



Photographs of the Sink taken July 28, 1999.

  View from east slope looking west into north sink.
  View of east slope
  Looking north from gap between north and south lobes.
  View from north showing west slope and low point of sink.