The Real Me........

Those born on December 1 are: highly outspoken people. Moreover, they are not afraid to back up their words with actions. However, because they usually accompany their more immodest behavior with a twinkle of the eye and beguiling innocence, they win people over. Unashamedly, they flagrantly deny all the rules of etiquette and behavior at will, particularly when important issues are at stake in their lives.

Since one so often knows just how December 1 people feel, they can strike others as superficial. Such is not the case, however. Their personalities can be deep and complex - it is just that their mode of expression (often humor) is a direct conduit carrying their feelings to the surface. Not always fully aware of themselves and what they are doing, they almost seem driven by forces beyond their control. Even they themselves may have doubts about their stability, but nonetheless their usual mental makeup seems to work for them.

Giving, generous people, those born on this day want to share what they have with those near and dear to them, not only financially but in terms of time and care as well. The problem with this is that December 1 people are often so busy that they have little time to do so. Thus frustrations may grow, not only in themselves, but in their children and other family members as well. Since they are dynamos of energy, they will strive to do the impossible, however, and give as much as they can in all areas.

December 1 people are flirtatious with the opposite sex. Not all of this is serious, however, since although they enjoy exerting their charm on one and all, they reserve their deep feelings of love for very special people. It is true, however, that they often go through a naughty childhood, stormy adolescence and an unsettled early adulthood. Being deprived of experiences or being severely punished for flamboyant behavior in early life inevitably results in later patterns of frustration. Compulsive attitudes toward sex are usually indicative of deep-seated insecurities.

December 1 people are free spirits. Although they are capable of working for a company or other organization, they do better if they can exert the full force of their personalities in making decisions and moving on issues when they feel the right time has arrived. Working too many years in the same outfit can take its toll on them and even seriously damage their spirit. Like animals that have been caged too long, they may lose touch with their natural instincts.

It is thus extremely important that December 1 people remain free enough to full express themselves. On the other hand, they must learn that society will not always tolerate their more outrageous behavior. Perhaps they would do well to become a bit more secretive, diplomatic and not just hang out their laundry for all to see. Moreover, if they wish to be taken seriously, they have to pay more mind to their credibility rating.

Numbers and Planets: Those born on the 1st of the month are ruled by the number 1 and by the sun. Those born on the 1st like to be first. They are typically individual, highly opinionated and eager to rise to the top. The Sun symbolizes strong creative energy and fire, which should be kept flowing steadily rather than allowed to sporadically flare out of control. When the Sun influences are coupled with Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius), they indicate a lavish lifestyle accompanied by exaltation and self-assurance.

Tarot: The 1st card of the Major Arcana is The Magician, who symbolizes intellect, communication, information as well as magic. Over his head is an infinity symbol, which in some Tarot decks takes the form of a hat, in others a halo. Many interpretations may be drawn, one of which is that the Magician recognizes the cyclical and unending nature of life and is empowered by this understanding. The positive traits suggested by this first card include diplomatic skill and shrewdness but, negatively, lack of scruples and opportunism. The choice rests with December 1 people whether to use their energy to attain wealth, fame and recognition or to develop their talents in a deep personal as well as spiritual manner.

Health: December 1 people must be careful not to burn out following exhausting expenditures of energy. Sooner or later it will happen unless they take time off for rest. Whether manifested in a nervous breakdown, problems with headaches, backaches, hormonal complaints or any variety of symptoms, it is the body's way of saying no to constant neglect and overuse. Women born on this day often have weight problems (evidenced in the hips and thighs), while their male counterparts often become drawn or even gaunt. In either case, a balanced, healthy diet is the key. The trick for them is to find foods that are both delicious and healthy. As far as exercise is concerned, moderately strenuous routines on a regular basis are recommended. Regular sex is important for their psychological and physical health.

Advice: Keep a handle on your energy. You can only be free if you understand yourself. Beware of turning others off with an overly direct approach. Learn to be diplomatic and a bit cautious. Don't give everything away.

Meditation: The Simplest Things in Life are Usually the Most Important.

Strengths: vibrant, extroverted, energetic

Weaknesses: frazzled, misdirected, unaware