Top Ten Movies: (in order)

1. Braveheart: This is easily the greatest love story ever! The best scenes: when he responded to the Queen's aid in Latin, and when the flower was exchanged..... both times. He fell in love with her when she gave him the flower, she fell in love with him when he gave it back. See this with someone you love. (Mel Gibson - Sophie Marceau - Patrick McGoohan - Catherine McCormack)

2. Phenomenon This movie is about chairs. Either you get it or you don't. (John Travolta - Kyra Sedwick)

3. While You Were Sleeping: This movie is about dreams. It is about loving someone enough to see their dreams; it's about their dreams being important to you because they are important to the one you love. In true love, this is effortless - not a sacrifice, or a chore, but something you do willingly. (Sandra Bullock - Bill Pullman)

4. Stargate: I love the theme, the bumbling genius, taking a stand, and of course..... the love he found on the other side of the universe. Perhaps it is also about finally finding a place where you fit..... (Kurt Russell - James Spader - Jaye Davidson)

5. The Nightmare Before Xmas: A strange movie who's central theme is the search for self actualization - everywhere except where it lies..... in your own backyard. (Tim Burton :) )

6. The Warriors: A story about fighting against insurmountable odds only to realize that what they were fighting for was nothing - begs the question "is this all there is?"

7. Streets of Fire - A Rock & Roll Fable: An overly dramatic most excellent love story starring people before they were famous. (Michael Pare - Diane Lane - Rick Moranis - Amy Madigan)

8. In Love and War: A movie about stupid decisions, people unwilling to take a chance, to follow their hearts, until it is too late. It is also filled with "he loves her, she loves someone else" scenerios. (Sandra Bullock - Chris O'Donnell)

9. The Abyss: A movie about feeling safe. She can always feel safe because he will always be there for her...... (Ed Harris - Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio - Michael Biehn)

10. Waterworld: What can I say, everyone has one movie they really like that everyone else thinks is completely strange. (Kevin Costner - Jeanne Tripplehorn - Dennis Hopper - Tina Majorino)

Honorable mention: In alphabetical order

  • American Graffitti - about growing up
  • The Breakfast Club - introspection
  • Commando - "What happened to Sully?" "I let him go" :)
  • Fast Times at Ridgemont High - my high school
  • Ghost - true love
  • Grease - makes you sing!
  • The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
  • M*A*S*H - a classic
  • Any Marvin the Martian Video!
  • Mask - nice guys don't always finish last
  • Monte Python's Search for the Holy Grail
  • Point of No Return - makes you want to go buy a Nina Simone CD
  • Risky Business - "sometimes you just gotta say 'what the f**k'"
  • Roadhouse - about knowing when to give up and when to stay and fight
  • Sex, Lies, and Videotape - about betrayal
  • Short Circuit - "nice software Stephanie"
  • Top Gun - makes you proud to be an American
  • True Lies - "did you ever kill anyone?" "yes, but they were all bad"