The following example gives a sample Coded CIty Forecast. The Forecast is given first, and a line by line explanation follows:

1. FPUS4 KSLC 190840
3. SLC BE 093/066 091/068 090 12--2
4. CDC EB 086/060 086/060 087 12-22
    A  B     C       D     E    F

1.  Message Identification (Header, Station, Initial Date and Time (UTC)
2.  Header
3.  Salt Lake City Forecast (SLC)
4.  Cedar City Forecast (CDC)

A.  Station Name
B.  Weather Codes for first Daytime and Nighttime Period (see below)
C.  Maximum or Minimum Temperature for Daytime/Nighttime Period
D.  Maximum or Minimum Temperature for Daytime/Nighttime Period
E.  Maximum or Minimum Temperature for Daytime/Nighttime Period
F.  Precipitation Forecast for first three Daytime/Nighttime Period (see below)

Precipitation Forecast:

-:  less than 10% chance
+:  greather than 90% chance
0-9:  % chance, ie 5 is 50% chance

Weather Codes:

A  Fair
B  Partly CLoudy
C  Cloudy
D  Dust
E  Mostly Cloudy
F  Foggy
G  Very Hot
H  Haze
I  Very Cloudy
J  Snow Showers
K  Smoke
L  Drizzle
M  Flurries
N  Windy
O  Rain Showers
P  Blizzard
Q  Blowing Snow
R  Rain
S  Snow
T  Thunderstorms
U  Sunny
V  Clear
W  SHowers
X  Sleet
Y  Freezing Rain
Z  Freezing Drizzle