Current Focus
v Cold Pool Structure
v Clements, C., 2001: Cold Air Pool Evolution and Dynamics In A Mountain
Basin. M.S. Thesis. University of Utah. 100 pp.
v Clements, C., D. Whiteman, J. Horel, 2003: Cold pool evolution and
dynamics in a mountain basin. Submitted to J. Appl. Meteor.
v Climate in Salt Lake Valley and other Basins in the West
v How well can MesoWest observations define local microclimates, e.g.,
diurnal temperature range?
v IOP-2. 6-7 October
v Holland, L., 2002: Downslope Windstorms Along the Wasatch Front. M. S.
Thesis. University of Utah. 86 pp.  (copies available)
v ** Horel, J. and L. Holland, 2002: Downslope windstorms along the Wasatch
Front. Manuscript in preparation.
v Data Assimilation in Complex Terrain for other IOPs
v Lazarus, S., C. Ciliberti, J. Horel, 2002: Near-real time applications of a
mesoscale analysis system to complex terrain. Wea. Forecasting. In press.
v Sensitivity to analysis methodology: overcoming systematic analysis errors in
complex terrain