Using the Internet Companion to Global Environmental Change

Developer: John Horel

Office hours: 1:00-2:00 M-F

The World Wide Web provides access to more information on climate change than you can possibly deal with. Searching and sifting through this information can be time consuming. Many search engines have been developed to reduce the effort required to find information on a particular subject. However, use of the output from such searches can often take considerable time. The purpose of the homework assignments in Meteorology 1020 that rely on the Internet Companion are intended to: (1) become aware of the information available on the Internet related to climate change issues; and (2) apply this information to study topics in depth that were introduced in lectures.

Format: Weekly 1-hour sessions (Friday 10:45-11:35) in the Marriot Library Macintosh computer classroom (rm 1745).
Requirements: attend all sessions. Assignments will be completed and turned in electronically.

Updated September 10, 1998