Meteorology 1020

Met1020 - Internet Assignment Internet Assignment 8


Air Pollution

Earth Under Siege-From Air Pollution to Global Change is a book written by Richard Turco (1997). He talks about sources of air polltion, consequenses, and implications on global climate. Please answer the following questions:

1. What is "smog"? Name both types discussed in class and how they are formed. Under what meteorological conditions is "L.A. smog" formed?

2. Currently, what foreign city has smog worse than L.A.?

3. In what year did thousands of people die due to smog in London?

4. How does sulfur dioxide react with fog droplets? Meaning, what is the resultant chemical?

5. What pollutants are emitted from cars?

6. How can we keep these pollutants to a minimum?

Due Date April 7, 2000
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