Meteorology 1020- Climate Change: An Atmospheric Perspective

Teaching Assistant:

Purpose of Course: Understand the science and public policy implications of global warming and ozone depletion.
Format: 1 hour per week 10:45-11:35AM in Mariott Library Mac Lab 1705A. The computer lab sessions will rely on the use of the Internet Companion that will provide access to many resources on the World Wide Web related to global warming and the ozone hole. Attendance is mandatory for lectures AND lab sessions!
Assignments: Each assignment has a box for your name, date, and assignment number. If these fields are blank, you will not recieve credit. Keep in mind when you are filling out text boxes, if you push the BACK button, you will lose ALL TEXT YOU HAVE WRITTEN. I suggest you keep two browsers open when working on an assignment. All Internet Assignments are required and will be graded. Reading Assignments for each chapter are EXTRA CREDIT. If you choose to do the extra credit, it must be handed in on time. When submitting extra credit, make sure to put "Reading #" in the assignment text box. Late extra credit will not be accepted.
Grades: Unless prior arrangements are made, 10% will be deducted for each class period that an assignment is late. The assignments will focus on broadening your exposure to the science and public policies associated with global warming and the ozone hole through the use of the Internet Companion. Grading is as follows:

Attendance: Mandatory
Internet Assignments: 20 points each
Extra Credit: 2 points each

I will periodically take roll. Each time you are absent you will lose one point. If you are late for class, it is your responsiblity to get on the roll.

Class Requiremnts: You are required to obtain an email account if you do not already have one. I will be available for questions (via email) at any time, and I will also be sending you email regarding your performance in class. If you need to reach me immediately, you can leave a message with the Meteorology office (WBB 819).
Updated January 21, 2000