Meteorology 3000- Mountain Weather and Climate

Assignment 10. Due December 1.

This major assignment is intended for you to develop information on the devastating fires in southern California during October 2002. The class will be divided into 8 groups working on separate topics:
Using resources available via the Internet, newspapers, magazines, agencies, etc., you will write a minimum of a 10 page double-spaced 12 point font report (not counting figures and references) and contribute to an in-class Powerpoint presentation all of which is due December 1.
This is a group effort. Everyone must participate and have a clearly defined area for research and presentation.
The sources for all material used in your paper and presentation must be documented and referenced in the presentation.
The combined presentation should consist of at most 50 slides and you should plan on taking no more than 20 minutes for your presentation.
Colorful graphics and pictures of the fire, fire fighting resources, ecological and economic impacts are critical.
You should use the MesoWest data base and other Internet resources to obtain weather information in the vicinity of the fire complex.