Meteorology 3000- Mountain Weather and Climate

Assignment 4. Due September 21. 10 points You may turn this assignment in on paper (be neat!) or email. To receive full credit, don't just write down an answer- show intermediate steps.

1. (4 points) Refer to Appendix A and B for this problem. Using a sling psychrometer (the name of the instrument with the pair of web/dry bulb thermomemters), you find that:
2. (4 points) Refer to Table 4.1 (Standard Atmosphere)
3. (1 point) Refer to Table 4.1 the standard atmosphere. You are on top of a mountain at an elevation of 5570 m.
4. (1 point) I am standing in a very cold environment at night without a hat (oh no!). The winds are calm. I am not wet. I am losing 10 Watts/kg of net longwave radiation more than my body can generate metabolically. The specific heat of my body is 3000 J/(kg C). My body temperature is 37C. How long (min) will it take for my body to cool to 30C? Explain your reasoning and discuss the magnitude of each term of the heat budget of the body.