Meteorology 341- Visualization of Atmospheric Processes

Assignment #5

Purpose: Develop the ability to program in Fortran independently and graph the results. Evaluate the changes observed during the passage of a strong cold front.

1.) Create a subdirectory called front

2.) Copy the files oct96.dat and assign5.csh out of directory /home/atmos/f/skrueger/class/met341/assign5

3.) Using the information presented in class, develop a fortran program that writes out the time (in decimal hours) and temperature, time and relative humidity, and time and pressure, respectively, to ascii files.

4.) Plot the time series of temperature, relative humidity, and pressure using xgraph. Modify assign5.csh to specify the title, x-axis label, and y-axis label for each plot. Include units in the labels.

5.) In your program, add code to answer the following questions about the changes observed over the period:
(a) At what times were the maximum and minimum temperatures observed during this period and what were their values?
(b) At what times were the maximum and minimum relative humidities observed during this period and what were their values?
(c) At what times were the maximum and minimum pressures observed during this period and what were their values?

Email me the answers to the questions and hand in the three xgraph plots along with a copy of your fortran program.
Last updated 26 October 1997