Meteorology 3410- Weather Observations and Analysis I

Instructor- John Horel

Office Hours: drop by any time; call or send email for an appointment; INSCC 483
Phone: 581-7091
Email: John Horel

Course Description: during the first half of the semester, basic applications of math and computer science to the atmospheric sciences will be reviewed. The goal of the second half of the semester is to develop familiarity with the ways to observe the atmosphere through direct measurement techniques.

Class Hours: TH 9-10:20AM. Substantial additional time will be required to complete assignments.

Classroom: 490 INSCC

Prerequisites: PHYS 2220, Concurrent with Math 3150, CP SC 1020. (See overview for further information)

Grading: The course grade will be determined from class participation and assignments (50%), midterm (25%), and final (25%).

Text: Weather Analysis by Dusan Duric (this book is optional, appropriate handouts will be given in class to complete assignments.)

Course Outline: (by week)

1 (1 class): Navigating the Internet.
2: Editor Review. Assignment: develop personal web page
3: Unix. Assignment: access to MesoWest data
4: Perl. Assignment:
5: C. Assignment:
6:Fortran. Assignment
7: Review of math concepts. Assigment:
8: Math review. Assignment:
9: Electronics and characteristics of measurements
10:Temperature sensors
11:Relative humidity and pressure sensors
12: Upper air observations
13: Precipitation
Updated last on 21 July, 2001