Meteorology 3410- Weather Observations and Analysis I
Instructor- 1st half: John Horel
Office Hours: T-TH 1-2 or by appointment; INSCC 483
Phone: 581-7091
Email: John Horel
Instructor- 2nd half: Steve
Office Hours: ; WBB 817
Phone: 581-3903
Email: Steve Krueger
Course Description:
The goals of the first half are to
refresh and further develop the basic tools required for a professional in the f
ield of atmospheric sciences.
Applications of thermodynamics in the atmospheric sciences follow in the second half.
Class Hours: MW 10:45-12:05. Substantial additional time will be required to complete computer assignments.
Classroom: 490 INSCC
Prerequisites: PHYS 2220, Concurrent with Math 3150, CP SC 1020.
(See overview for further information)
Grading: The course grade will be determined from class
participation and assignments (50%), take-home midterm assignment (25%), and final on material from 2nd hald of course (25%).
Text: Weather Analysis by Dusan Duric (this book is optional,
appropriate handouts will be
given in class to complete assignments.)
Course Outline: (by week)
First half: Computational Science & Applied Math
1 (1 class): Navigating the Internet. Assignment: using the web server to access weather information
2: Editor Review, Unix commands. Assignment: develop personal web page
3: Unix scripts and Perl. Assignment: access to Utah Mesonet data
4:Fortran and C review. Assignment: computing the geostrophic wind.
5: Graphics. xmgr & vis5d. Assignment: visualizing atmospheric motion
6: Review of math concepts. Assigment: horizontal trajectories
7 (1 class): Atmospheric predictability. Assignment: Error growth.
8: Climate and statistics. Assignment: analysis of the Salt Lake City climate record.
Second Half: Thermodynamics
9: Introduction. The equation of state.
10: Work, heat, and specific heat capacity.
11: First law of thermodynamics. Adiabatic processes.
12: Equation of state of moist air. Moisture variables.
13: Phase changes and latent heat. Adiabatic processes of saturated air
14 (1 class): Hydrostatic stability and convection.
15: Hydrostatic stability and convection.
Updated last on August 23, 1999