Moisture in the Atmosphere. Assignment 2. Due January 18
Purpose: to become familiar with how to obtain measures of moisture content in the atmosphere from a Skew-T/log-p diagram.
- This assignment uses the sounding analyzed in Assignment 1 and the table of saturation vapor pressure as a function of temperature.
- Determine the following variables at: the surface, 850 mb, 800 mb, 750 mb, 700 mb, 600 mb, 500 mb, 300 mb.
- temperature(C)
- dew point temperature(C)
- vapor pressure with respect to water(mb)
- saturation vapor pressure with respect to water (mb)
- mixing ratio (g/kg)
- saturation mixing ratio (g/kg)
- relative humidity
- virtual temperature (C)
- estimate the frost point temperature (C)