Upper Air Analyses. Assignment 5. Due March 2

Purpose: (1) to analyze 500 mb geopotential height and temperature; (2) examine the structure of a upper level trought on synoptic time and spatial scales.

  • Review the information on manual analyses of upper air charts in the Djuric text.
  • Charts at 500 mb will be analyzed for the following times:
  • Required Equipment: #2 pencil; red pencil; eraser.

  • Manual analyses of height and temperature on constant pressure surfaces require:

  • Analyses will be evaluated in terms of neatness and on how well the aforementioned factors are applied.
  • 1. For 0000 UTC 24 February:

  • 2. Repeat for 1200 UTC 24 February

  • 3. Based on your analyses, discuss the temporal and spatial evolution of the height and temperature fields at 500 mb across the United States.