Moisture in the Atmosphere. Assignment 4. Due January 30

Purpose: assess impact of ascent and descent upon parcel properties as a function of parcel theory assumptions .

This assignment uses your laminated Skew-T diagram.

1. A parcel is lifted adiabatically beginning from a temperature of 10C at 900 mb. It's dewpoint is 5C.
a. Determine the parcel's temperature, dewpoint, and mixing ratio when it is lifted to 850 mb. 700 mb. 500 mb.
b. What is the pressure, temperature, dewpoint, mixing ratio and RH at the LCL?
c. What is the parcel's initial wet bulb temperature? Potential temperature? wet bulb potential temperature? equivalent temperature? Equivalent potential temperature?
d. What is the parcel's web bulb temperature, potential temperature, wet bulb potential temperature, equivalent potential temperature, equivalent temperature at 850 mb, 700 mb, 500 mb?
e. After the parcel descends back down from 500 mb to 900 mb, what are the values of the quantities in a and d?
2. A parcel is lifted adiabatically to the top of the atmosphere beginning from a temperature of 10C at 900 mb. Its dewpoint is 5C. As it ascends all the water vapor that condenses falls out of the parcel. Repeat a-e.
3. A parcel is lifted to 500 mb adiabatically beginning from a temperature of 10C at 900 mb. Its dewpoint is 5C. As it ascends, 20% of the water vapor that condenses fall out of the parcel. Repeat a-e.