Evaluating Soundings. Assignment 6. Due February 22

Purpose: (1) to examine soundings at SLC as a cold front passes; (2) examine the temporal and spatial structure of a major winter storm over the intermountain region. The IPEX field program makes it possible to examine the evolution of the atmosphere at 3 h intervals over the intermountain region.

  • Review the information on the interpretation of soundings from the Djuric text and the skew-T manual.

  • Become familiar with the locations where soundings are taken in the intermountain region.

  • Soundings for the following times will be analyzed:
  • Review the synoptic situation at each time by using information on the web or that handed out in class
  • 1. Examine each sounding carefully for 12z 14 February and identify and label the following features, if they exist:
  • 2. On the accompanying 4 panel blank maps, label for 12z 14 Feburary (in mb):
  • 3. Repeat 1 and 2 for each time
  • 7. Based on the soundings and the summary maps, describe the temporal evolution of the vertical structure of the troposphere during the 24 h period: