Hodographs. Assignment 9. Due March 30

Purpose: to analyze hodographs to understand the linkage between the temperature and wind fields.

  • Discussion: review information in the Djuric text on hodographs.
  • 5 soundings are provided for 00UTC 1 March 2004: RAP, DNR, ILX, EYW, and SLC. Wind speeds are in m/s. Assume that the winds are approximately in thermal wind balance with the mean temperature field.
  • 1. What are the official names of these locations and where are they?
  • 2. For each hodograph and for each significant layer (not every bump and wiggle):
  • 3. Identify the level in the upper troposphere where the wind speed is a maximum. What is the direction of the warmest and coldest air above and below this level?
  • 4. Identify layers in which the winds are not likely to be in geostrophic wind balance. Why are they not likely in geostrophic wind balance?
  • 5. Identify levels (if any) where the stability is destabilizing, i.e., cold advection above warm advection, or stabiliziing, i.e., warm advection above cold advection.