Meteorology 3510- Weather Observations and Analysis II

Instructor- John Horel

Office Hours: By appointment. I'm usually in the office from 9AM-4PM; INSCC 483
Phone: 581-7091
Email: John Horel

Class Hours: TH 10:45-12:05. Substantial additional time outside of the class is expected to complete assignments.

Classroom: 490 INSCC

Prerequisites: METEO 3110 and 3410.

Grading: The course grade will be determined from class participation and assignments (40%), 2 midterms (20% each), and final (20%). Class participation includes attending at least 1 weather discussion (Meteo 5810) per week.

Texts: Weather Analysis by Dusan Duric.

Course Outline: (Tentative schedule by week)


1:Thermodynamics. Reading Assignment: Chapter 1 and 5. I will be at the annual meeting of the American Meteorological Society and will miss the first class period. The skew-t manual will be distributed at that time, but attendance the first day is not required.
2:Moist thermodynamics. Reading Assignment: Skewt Manual
3: Stability. Reading Assignment: Chapter 5.
4: Stability. Reading Assignment: Chapter 5.
5: Stability. Reading Assignment: Chapter 5.
6: Midterm. Manual Analysis. Reading Assignment: Chapter 3.
7: Manual Analysis. Reading Assignment: Chapter 3.
8: Manual Analysis. Reading Assignment: Chapter 3.
9: Kinematics. Reading Assignment: Chapter 4.
10: Spring break.
11: Kinematics. Reading Assignment: Chapter 4.
12: Midterm. Thermal Structure. Reading Assignment: Chapter 6.
13: Thermal Structure. Midterm. Reading Assignment: Chapter 6.
14: Dynamics. Reading Assignment: Chapter 7.
15: Dynamics. Reading Assignment: Chapter 7.
16: Review
Final Exam: May 5. 10:30-12:30