Mountain Meteorology
Meteorology 5550
TH 10:45 – 12:05
John Horel
Jim Steenburgh

Course Objectives and Content
Understand the influence of the earth’s orography upon weather and climate
First Half- John Horel
Geographical controls of mountain weather and climate
Terrain-forced flows
Flow interaction with complex terrain

Course Content (cont.)
Second half- Jim Steenburgh
Orographically modified cyclones
Orographically trapped disturbances
Orographic precipitation
Invited presentations
Fire weather
Air quality
Surface transportation

40%: Homework, class participation, literature reviews
20%: Participation and writeup of results from field experiment
20%: 1st half quiz
20% 2nd half quiz

Source Material
Mountain Meteorology. D. Whiteman. 2000.
Mountain Weather and Climate. R Barry. 1992.
Atmospheric Processes over Complex Terrain. W. Blumen 1990.
Influence of Mountains on the Atmosphere. R. Smith. 1979. Advances in Geophysics. 21.
Additional Reading

Reading Assignments
Many available on-line. To save trees, you are to access them on-line from campus and print them as needed

First Reading Assignment
First reading assignment:  Barry, R. G. (1978): H. B. de Saussure: the first mountain meteorologist. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 59, 702-5.
Summarize in a few paragraphs: (1) who Saussure was; (2) how did he make the measurements and what were his results regarding the decrease of temperature with height; (3) what other contributions to mountain meteorology did he make?
Due: via email at beginning of class on Aug. 30. Send to, Be prepared to discuss the reading during that class.

Field Project
Analysis of wind circulations on ski-jump slope
Weather permitting
Set up on Friday September 28
Observations Saturday morning September 29
Takedown in afternoon
Requires planning in advance by class to design useful field project
Requires analysis of data after data collection completed

VTMX Workshop
September 10-12
Useful presentations on local wind circulations in Salt Lake Valley
Plan on attending a few hours at some point instead of class on the 11th  (and 13th?)

What is a mountain?
Common usage:
600 m or more of local relief defines a mountain
Less than 600m is a hill
High mountain/alpine areas (Troll 1973; Arct. Alp. Res., 5, 19-27):
Relative to terrain features
Upper timberline
Snow line

What are the effects of mountains?
Substantial modification of synoptic or meso scale weather systems by dynamical and thermodynamical processes through a considerable depth of the atmosphere
Recurrent generation of distinctive wx conditions, involving dynamically and thermally induced wind systems, cloudiness, and precipitation regimes
Slope and aspect variations on scales of 10-100 m form mosaic of local climates
(Barry 1992)

Effects of Mountains

Whiteman (2000)


Slide 15

Barry (1992)

% mountains as fraction of total land surface (land 30%)
0-1000 m       10%
1000-2000 m   3%
2000-3000 m   3%
> 3000 m         4%
Total               20%
Barry 1992
%mountain as fraction of earth 6%

Mt. Everest Pix.html
Height of Mt. Everest: 8848m

High Elevation Observatories
Mt Washington
Storm Peak Laboratory

Geographical controls of mountain climate (Barry 1992)

Thermally forced terrain circulations
Mountain-valley winds
Slope flows
Peter Sinks Experiment
lake breeze

Flow Interaction With Complex Terrain
Buoyancy oscillations
Flow over vs. around obstacles
Kinetic and potential energy of flows
Mountain waves
Gravity wave drag
Trapped lee waves

Downslope Windstorms
Conceptual models
Numerical studies
Gap winds

Other subjects
Orography and the General Circulation
Mountain torque
Physiology of high altitude
Climate change at high altitude

1st Homework Assignment
Bring in a couple (to as many as you want) of  mountain and mountain weather related photos
Be prepared to say a few words about 1-2 photos
If you’re willing to allow use of the photos for this class and future classes, scan the images on the PC in Rm 480 (details to be provided, but don’t leave them with me)
Due: whenever

Homework Assignment #2
(1) Find 5 interesting and useful internet web pages related to mountain weather, mountain climates, or alpine environments
(2) Send me in 1 email the web addresses with a 1-2 sentence description of the content of each page
(3) Provide at least 2 scientific, literary, or artistic (music/art) definitions or descriptions of mountains. Not from dictionaries
(4) Provide a reference/source for that definition and send it in the same email as that used above
Due August 30

Parameters used to define flow (Smith 1979)