Geographical Controls of Weather and Climate
Terrain dimensions
Slope and aspect

Net radiation and temperature decrease as latitude increases
Elevation of treeline/snowline decreases poleward
Belt of alpine vegetation and permanent snow and ice are lower on mountains at high latitude versus the tropics

Day Length

Altitude Angle of the Sun

Arises from differences in heat capacity and heat conduction of soils vs. water
Water able to store more heat
Soils less
Degree of continentality expressed by annual range of mean monthly temperature

Temperature: Annual vs. Diurnal

Distribution of state variables (p,r,T,u) depends strongly on height in free atmosphere and as function of terrain height
Vapor pressure of water and radiation also vary strongly with height

Hydrostatic Atmosphere
dp/dz = - rg
p= rRT
ln(pB/pT )=RgTave (zT – zB )

Standard Atmosphere

Actual vs. Standard Atmosphere

Vapor Pressure
Vapor pressure (e)- partial pressure of water vapor
Absolute measure of water content in atmosphere
Saturation vapor pressure (es)- saturation vapor pressure
Maximum amount of water vapor atmosphere can hold for given temperature

Impacts of Vapor Pressure
Higher vapor pressure reduces transmission of IR
Refracts/absorbs solar radiation
Flux of water vapor proportional to (es –e); so, for given temperature, lower vapor pressure increases evaporation
Compared to free air, vapor pressure is higher usually near mountain
Reduces transmission of IR, which may increase temperature
Lowers condensation level
lowers drying power, i.e., ability to transfer water from clothing/plants into atmosphere

Physiological Factors of Altitude: Oxygen Deficiency
Proportion of Oxygen in atmosphere- 21%
Partial pressure of Oxygen decreases with height in proportion to other gases
Lungs saturated with water vapor; reduces available oxygen
Oxygen in lungs: (ambient pressure – saturation water vapor pressure at body temp (37C) (63 mb)) * .21
Sea level (1013 – 63 ) * .21 = 200 mb; 5000 m (540 – 63 ) * .21 = 100 mb
Hypoxia- intolerance to oxygen deficiency
Humans can tolerate half sea level value indefinitely
Symptoms significant above 3000 m (133 mb)
Standard Atmosphere varies with latitude (4000 m roughly 630 mb equatorward of 30o; 593 mb (winter)-616 mb (summer) at 60o
Cyclone could drop pressure 10-20 mb; equivalent to several hundred meters in elevation
Grover (1974); Man living at high altitudes. Arctic and Alpine Environments.

Inspired Oxygen as a Function of Elevation