Meteorology 551
Lab Exercise #3
Due: Wednesday 05 February 1997

Purpose: To become skilled at analyzing observational data on a horizontal plane.
The maps for this exercise are handed out in class on Monday 27 January 1997. If you do not receive them, please see Brett.

Part 1. 300 mb map from 12 January 1997 at 00Z - the day of our Jan97 Windstorm. On this plot, draws isotachs (constant wind speed) at intervals of 5 m/s - (yellow). Also draw streamlines - (brown).
Part 2. 500 mb map from the same time. Draw isolines of height at intervals of 60 meters - (black). The lines on this plot are the 500 mb heights as analyzed by the Eta Model initialized at 00Z. What discrepencies do you see between the Eta's lines and your lines?
Part 3. 700 mb map from the same time. Draw isotherms (constant temperature) at intervals of 2 degrees C - (red). Also indicate areas where the dew point depression is less than or equal to 2 degrees C - (green). Where are the significant gradients located?
Part 4. Surface map from 18Z on 13 October 1995. This map shows the coverage of the Oklahoma Mesonet. On the map draw isotherms (int. of 1 degree C - red), isobars (constant reduced sea level pressure) (int. of 1 mb - black), and streamlines (brown). Describe the features that your analysis show.

Last updated on 24 January 1997