Observing Weather and Clouds

Clouds provide visual indicators of horizontal and vertical motions as well as stability. The purpose of this exercise is to develop familiarity with the techniques required to report clouds as well as the physical processes that they reflect.
Assignment 2

Refer to the handout for cloud types or Table E-1 of Djuric. Refer to Federal Handbook No. 1 for wind scale.

Create a table and report the following parameters once per day: (1) wind speed and direction, (2) visibility, (3) present weather or obscurations, (4) cloud amount, type(s), and cloud base for each day from May 1 to May 7.

Code one observation as a METAR report. Treat other parameters that you did not observe as missing.

Relate any changes in cloud types, wind, or visibility to the weather that took place over the week period.