Meteorology 5540/6540
Synoptic Meteorology II:
Atmospheric Structure, Analysis, and Prediction

Instructors: Justin Cox, John Horel, Jay Shafer

Office hours: Drop in any time

Philosophy and Objectives: This is the second of two courses examining modern-day synoptic meteorology and its applications. METEO 5540 has three major components. The first examines the life cycles of extratropical cyclones and the dynamics of cyclogenesis. The second summarizes current operational and research modeling issues, including the characteristics of operational models and data assimilation. In the third, knowledge gained by students in this and other courses is applied to real-time weather analysis and prediction in a forecasting lab.

Lectures will dominate on MW with forecast lab every Friday. On occasion, the current weather may be of sufficient interest that forecast lab will be held on M or W.

Format: Lecture - 3 hrs per week (8:30-9:30 MWF). You are also required to attend the weather discussions MWF 12:55-1:30. Both classes meet in the Meteorology Computation and Visualization Lab (490 INSCC).

Grading: Grading will be based on labs (35%), two quizzes (25%), performance in the forecasting lab (35%), and the effort you put into the weather discussion (5%). Grades on assignments will be reduced 15 points (out of 100) per day past the due date unless pre-approved by instructor. Attendance is mandatory during the forecast lab component of the class. Each day missed after 2 absences will result in a 15% reduction in overall score.

Text: Synoptic-Dynamic Meteorology in Midlatitudes, Vols. I and II.

Computer Skills Required: Knowledge of UNIX, GEMPAK, and FORTRAN or C

Required Equipment: Colored pencils (red, green, blue, yellow), several #2 pencils, eraser, straight edge.

Additional Information:

Schedule Lab exercises Forecasting lab Weather Discussion Computer lab rules
Updated March 03, 2003