KeyError | Python 3.7.3: /uufs/ Sat Oct 5 09:44:39 2024 |
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/uufs/ in <module>() |
133 plot_this = data[s][variable] |
134 unit = 'C' |
=> 135 ax.plot(data[s]['DATETIME'], plot_this, label=s.upper()) |
136 plt.title('Air Temperature') |
137 plt.ylabel('Temperature (%s)' % unit) |
ax = <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object>, ax.plot = <bound method Axes.plot of <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot object>>, data = OrderedDict([('PSRIM', {'URL': 'http://api.mesow...878, 9.967, 10.139, 10.233, 10.65 , 11.272])})]), s = 'PSRIM', plot_this = array([14.444, 15.772, 16.594, 16.9 , 17.261, 1... 9.272, 9.317, 9.511, 9.678, 9.994, 10.467]), label undefined, s.upper = <built-in method upper of str object> |
KeyError: 'DATETIME'
args =
with_traceback =
<built-in method with_traceback of KeyError object>