Air Quality Data - Map Interface

This page provides access to historical air quality observations collected from various resources across Utah. Included are fixed-site monitors deployed by the Utah Division of Air Quality, the University of Utah, and others. Additionally, monitors deployed on UTA public transit systems, other vehicles, and KSL-TV Chopper 5 may also be displayed.

Final Observation Time: Year: Month: Day: Hour: Minute:

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On the map above, square markers are primarily fixed-site observations made available courtesy of data aggregation services by Synoptic Data PBC. Triangle markers represent low-cost sensors from previously-available resources such as PurpleAir and AirU. Circle markers represent data collected from mobile platforms managed by the University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences. The larger markers represent the most recent observation for the time period, with trailing transparent markers representing older observations.

Weather observations from Synoptic Data PBC can be plotted by clicking the "Load Weather Obs" button on the map. Observations will be plotted in wind barb format similar to MesoWest. Red numbers indicate temperature in degrees Celsius. Green numbers indicate relative humidity. Wind barbs show wind speed in meters per second (one full barb is 5 meters per second). Wind gust values larger than 5 meters per second are also shown in yellow if available.

The table below provides the last ozone concentration observation collected from each platform available on the map for the time period selected, with links to time series graphs available as well to show data over the previous 24 hours. Rows can be sorted by clicking on the table headers.

Final Time 2025-01-01 10:21 MT (2025-01-01 17:21 UTC)
TypeStationLast Record AvailableOzone ConcentrationAdditional Links
MobileUTA EBus 18152 (BUS03)2025-01-01 10:17:30 MT12.39 ppbv24hr Graph
MobileUTA TRAX 1136 (TRX01)2025-01-01 10:10:00 MT17.67 ppbv24hr Graph
MobileUTA TRAX 1104 (TRX02)2025-01-01 10:10:00 MT11.49 ppbv24hr Graph
MobileUTA TRAX 1034 (TRX03)2025-01-01 10:10:30 MT7.15 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituU of U Mountain Met Lab (MTMET)2025-01-01 10:15 MT26.91 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituU of U William Browning Building (WBB)2025-01-01 10:05 MT28.97 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituBrigham City 3 (QBG)2025-01-01 09:00 MT24.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituBountiful - Viewmont (QBV)2025-01-01 09:00 MT10.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituCopperview (QCV)2025-01-01 09:00 MT13.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituErda (QED)2025-01-01 09:00 MT21.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituHerriman (QH3)2025-01-01 09:00 MT34.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituHeber (QHB)2025-01-01 09:00 MT14.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituHarrisville (QHV)2025-01-01 09:00 MT16.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituHawthorne (QHW)2025-01-01 09:00 MT4.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituLindon (QLN)2025-01-01 09:00 MT14.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituLake Park (QLP)2025-01-01 09:00 MT29.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituNear Road (QNR)2025-01-01 09:00 MT13.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituRose Park (QRP)2025-01-01 09:00 MT7.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituSpanish Fork (QSF)2025-01-01 09:00 MT33.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituSmithfield (QSM)2025-01-01 09:00 MT21.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituUtah Technical Center (QUTTC)2025-01-01 09:00 MT19.00 ppbv24hr Graph
In-SituUofU Red Butte (QUURB)2025-01-01 09:00 MT24.00 ppbv24hr Graph