Here are click-sensitive maps of the trip, divided into two parts. Clicking on the map will show a picture of the area. A word of warning, the maps are relatively large:
Day 1 Potash - Lathrop Canyon (430 kB).
Day 2 Lathrop Canyon - Confluence (400 kB).
Day 3-4 Confluence - Imperial Canyon (440 kB).
Day 5 Imperial Canyon - Hite (760 kB).
Tue 10/2 - Left SLC at ca. 6pm, with numerous stops arrived at Potash boat launch at ca. 1am
Wed 10/3 - Got the rafts ready and rowed for a while, had lunch on a shallow spot of the river ca. 5 miles downstream. Then tied up the boats and motored another 18 miles to campspot about mile upstream from Lathrop Canyon.
Thu 10/4 - Checked out ruins across the river from the campspot, then rowed and later on motored towards The Loop. There we hiked up and down across the divide and waited for the boats to get there on the river. Then continued to the confluence with Green River, where we camped.
Fri 10/5 - Rowed to Spanish Bottom, from where we hiked up to see some more indian ruins and the Doll House, a rock formation. Then run down the first 9 rapids and camped on a beach above rapid 10.
Sat 10/6 - Rafted the rest of the rapids, camped below rapid 26 near the mouth of Imperial Canyon, which I went to check out later in the afternoon.
Sun 10/7 - Run down the last rapid 27, which was uncovered thanks to lower level of Lake Powell, and then motored out. Ran out of gas about 6 miles from the Hite marina, rowed there, packed up and drove back to SLC, with mandatory stop at Ray's in Green River.
U of U / Chemistry / CHPC / Cuma / Travel / English / Cataract