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Sarah D. Bang
phone: 716.866.5676 email:
The University of Utah
Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, in progress
Adviser: Edward J. Zipser
The University of Utah
M.S. Atmospheric Sciences, August 2013
Adviser: Edward J. Zipser
Thesis: On the mutual interactions between convective storms and their enviornments during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E) field campaign in Oklahoma
The University of Chicago
B.S. with honors, Geophysical Sciences, June 2010
Undergraduate Thesis: An Examination of Cloud Top Temperature
Structures as a Proxy for Thunderstorm Intensity
Olympic Mountain Experiment (OLYMPEX), Seattle, WA, November 2015
Integrated Precipitation and Hydrology Experiment (IPHEx), Asheville, NC, May 2014
Mission Science/Forecast Liaison.
Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS), Tug Hill Plateau, NY, December 2013
Ground instrumentation
CHUVA - Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, November 2012
Cloud processes of tHe main precipitation systems
in Brazil:A contribUtion to cloud resolVing modeling andto the GPM
(GlobAl Precipitation Measurement)
SCHUSS - Doppler on Wheels, Salt Lake City, UT, November 2011
Forecast/Radar Operator
Mid-Latitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment, May 2011
NOAA Research Cruise – Core Sampling, May 2008
Research cruise, Lake Muskeegon
Bang, S. D. and Zipser, E. J. (in review). Characteristics of Tropical Oceanic Thunderstorms in the Pacific, Part I: Environment and Organization of Storms over Kwajalein. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.
Bang, S. D. and Zipser, E. J. (2016). Seeking reasons for the differences in size spectra of electrified storms over land and ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 121.
Bang, S. D. and Zipser, E. J. (2015). Differences in size spectra of electrified storms over land and ocean. Geophysical Research Letters. 42 .
Experience and Awards
NASA Earth and Space Sciences Graduate Fellow, University of Utah, Sep. 2015 - Present
University of Utah Department of Atmospheric Sciences Graduate Researcher of the Year, 2016
TGLL Fellow, University of Utah and Salt Lake Center for Science Education (SLCSE), Aug. 2012 - Jul. 2013
Research Assistant, University of Utah, Aug. 2010 - Present
Lab Manager, Department of Geophysical Sciences, Jun. 2008 - Aug. 2010
Tutor, Strive Tutoring, Jan. 2007 – June 2008
American Meteorological Society
American Geophysical Union
Royal Family Kids' Camp and CLUB
Holladay Arts Council, Parable Players, Motley Wandering Minstrels (Actor)
Rinceoiri Don Spraoi Irish Dancers
Jubilate Chamber Choir
Salt Lake City Half Marathon (2014), Marathon (2015), Moab Half Maration (2016)
Proficient in French, Competent in Modern Greek
Basic Understanding of German and Portuguese
Proficient in IDL
Limited knowledge of: Python, Matlab, FORTRAN, HTML and TeX