HRRR Download Page

Thank you for visiting this resource. With the expanded availability of archived HRRR grib2-formatted data now courtesy of NOAA and the Registry of Open Data on AWS, this archive hosted at the University of Utah is now being reduced. Users interested in the grib2 format are encouraged to switch to using the AWS archive, or a similar archive operated within the Google Cloud.

For users interested in subsets of HRRR data, our research group is now supporting a parallel archive in Zarr format. This new Zarr archive is also hosted by the Registry of Open Data on AWS.

This HRRR download interface displays HRRR files available in the Pando archvie.

The blue buttons can perform three different actions:

  1. Download the GRIB2 file directly to your computer.
  2. View the metadata (.idx) for the file.
  3. Produce a sample image of simulated reflectivity and 500 hPa contours for the file.

Select the model type, variable field, and date of interest. Toggle the buttons for what you want to do.

Then click Submit. You must click 'submit' after you make a change.

The grid of hours and forecasts displayed represent the HRRR model run hours and the subsequent forecasts. If the file is available, the button will be highlighted dark blue. Click the button to retrieve the file.

Files are named similar to HRRR files named on the NOMADS site. For example,
[model type].t[run hour]z.wrf[variable field]f[forecast hour].grib2

Note: While each file contains additional date information, the file name only contains information about the run and forecast hour. Beware of overwriting files if you download from multiple days into the same directory.

Click "Scripting Tips" above for some help scripting the download process.

Read the HRRR FAQ for a description of what file and dates are available.

Check out the Custom HRRR Map generator.

Tap to download HRRRv4 grib2 from 2025-03-14: