Style tags | |
HTML | Result |
<b>This is Bold...</b> |
This is Bold |
<i>This is Italic...</i> |
This is Italic |
<tt>This is Typewriter...</tt> |
This is Typewriter |
Note how you can combine the style tags as long as they are correctly nested, the italic tags are both within the bold tags. Note also, that the order does not matter. | |
<i><b>This is Bold AND Italic</b></i> <b><i>And So is This</i></b> |
This is Bold AND Italic
And So is This |
Furthermore, you can also add style to the text that appears in headings. Note how the different style tags are opened and closed around the words they style and how the heading tags surround the whole heading. | |
blah blah blah <h2><i>New</i> and <tt>Improved!</tt></h2> blah blah blah |
blah blah blah
New and Improved!blah blah blah |
Follow these steps to apply style tags to your HTML document.
<p> Volcanoes have been a part of earth's history long before humans. Compare the history of human beings, a few million years in the making, to that of the Earth, over four <b><i>billion</i></b> years in the making.
The study of volcanoes, or <tt>Volcanology</tt>, includes many odd terms.
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
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