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/ July, 1997 / version 3.0.2 / version history /

l e s s o n s

HTML 101
Start with an understanding of how this whole web business works.
      0. Standardly Speaking About HTML
Building a Foundation...
Nuts 'n Bolts HTML

Learn the basic tags for formatting pages to HTML 2.0 standards.
  1. Creating Your First HTML Document
  2. Modifying an HTML Document
  3. Headings: Six Levels Deep
  4. Breaking up into Paragraphs
  5. Doing it with Style
  6. Lists, Lists, and Lists
  7. Graphics and File Formats
    1. Inline Images
  8. Linking it with Anchors
    1. Links to Local Files
    2. URLs: Web Pointers
    3. Links to the World: Internet sites
    4. Links to Sections of a Page
    5. HyperGraphic Links
  9. Preformatted Text
  10. Special Characters
  11. Definition Lists
  12. Address Footers and E-Mail Links
  13. You can Blockquote Me on That
  14. Lumping v.s. Splitting
Beyond the Basics
Modify and enhance your web pages with features available in HTML 3.0 and beyond.

While we cannot provide instruction in as great detail on the more complex things you can include in your web pages, we provide links to other resources that may assist you.

  1. Standard and Enhanced HTML
  2. Colorful And Textured Backgrounds
  3. Don't Blink
  4. Spiffing Up Text
  5. Easy Hard Rules
  6. Extra Alignment
  7. Setting the Table
  8. More for Images and Lists
  9. Clickable Image Maps

You know, at one time I had grandiose plans to write more lessons. It kept getting pushed from April to May to July... whenever. The web is just exploding at the seams and rather than try to keep up with its zany pace, I now throw up my virtual hands in defeat. So for those expecting more lessons on frames, forms, java, vrml, I offer humble apologies and defer to the other sources listed in the reference section.
Post-Graduate Work
Things to do and look at once you've mastered the content here.
  1. If your work is available on the web, be sure to register as a Writing HTML Alumni.
  2. Dave Siegel's Web Wonk, Tips for Writers and Designers, will show you how to create artful web pages that look like no other web pages you have seen (except for those that mimic the style!). See also his How to Create Killer Websites a book and a web site.
  3. The Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual should already be on your bookmark list! This is high octane stuff. We also like the Guide to Web Style by Sun Microsystems, NCD's HTML Design Guide, and the Sevloid Guide to Web Design.
  4. Always keep within a mouseclick's distance Kevin Werbach's Bare Bones Guide to HTML, webreference.com, TaoH of HTML, and Dr. HTML.

Writing HTML: The Lessons
©1995, 1996, 1997 Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges, Arizona

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
Comments to levine@maricopa.edu

URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/lessons.html