display text where space and carriage return characters count?
In previous lessons we have seen that a web browser will ignore extraneous space characters, tabs, and carriage returns in your HTML files. However, there are some instances where it will be important to maintain these aspects of page layout. In this lesson, the example will be where we want to insert a table of text with aligned columns.
The preformat tag instructs your web browser to display the text exactly as typed in the HTML document, including spaces, tabs, and carriage returns. A browser typically displays such text as a
type. An example of the preformat tag:
<pre> We have indented with 5 space characters. And used the carriage return to jump to a new line. Here we use spaces to create a text table. </pre>Without the <pre> and </pre> tags, the same HTML produce:
With the preformat tag, it helps if the text editor you are using can display in a monospaced font (such as "Courier" or "Monaco"); if not, you will have to count spaces when aligning text into columns (and you will mutter bad words under your breath).
We have indented with 5 space characters. And used the carriage return to jump to a new line. Here we use spaces to create a text table.
For our Volcano lesson, we want to add a table under the Introduction section that lists several well-known volcanoes, when they erupted, and the volume of erupted material. To do this:
<pre> Eruption Date Volume in km^3 -------- ---- -------------- Paricutin, Mexico 1943 1.3 Mt. Vesuvius, Italy 79 A.D. 3 Mount St. Helen, Washington 1980 4 Krakatoa, Indonesia 1883 18 Long Valley, California pre-historic 500 - 600 Yellowstone, Wyoming pre-historic 2400 </pre>
In this example we use space characters to make the first column left justified and the other 2 columns center-justified. The dashes are used to highlight the column headings.
HTML | Result |
<pre> This tutorial is copyright 1995, 1996 <B>Be sure to tell all of your friends about it!</B> <i>We Welcome Your Feedback</i> fondly, <A HREF= "http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/"> mcli</A> </pre> |
This tutorial is copyright 1995, 1996 Be sure to tell all of your friends about it! We Welcome Your Feedback fondly, mcli |
Note that the HTML tags do not count as spaces; they are ignored within the preformat region.Some web page developers will use the <pre>...</pre> tags with carriage returns in between to add white space between text or graphics in their web pages -- especially if they wish more white space than provided by the <p> tag. For example: |
HTML | Result |
Cheese was long since abolished from the Orient. <pre> </pre> ...until Sir Longhorn arrived with the great Cheese Crusade of 1167. |
Cheese was long since
abolished from the Orient.
...until Sir Longhorn arrived with the great Cheese Crusade of 1167. |
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
Comments to levine@maricopa.edu
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tut9.html