Wave Propagation Animations
All simulations were computed at the University of Utah Center for High Performance Computing.
Global Seismic Wave Propagation simulations were computed with the SHaxi and PSVaxi methods. The SHaxi source code can be downloaded at the SPICE webpage.
To save an animation 'right click | save target as...' on the desired resolution. All files are in windows media (.wmv) format in high definition (either 1080p or 720p).
Animations were generated using a combination of the GMT, ImageMagick, and POVRay software packages.
Ray paths and wavefronts were drawn using the TauP Toolkit.
If you download any of these animations you implicitly agree to give proper credit to the authors. Acknowledgement should be given to:
Michael S. Thorne, H. Philip Crotwell, Gunnar Jahnke, and Heiner Igel.
Software development that made the production of these animations possible was partially supported through NSF Grants EAR-1014749, EAR-0952187, and NASA Grant NNX11AH47G.
SH-Wave Animations
1. ScS (ray paths multiple distances) |
2. S and ScS (ray paths + wavefronts) |
Movie_ScS_1080p.wmv (10.0 Mb) | Movie_ScS_Wavefront_1080p.wmv (8.31 Mb) |
Movie_ScS_720p.wmv (6.26 Mb) | Movie_ScS_Wavefront_720p.wmv (5.30 Mb) |
3. S and ScS (ray paths ) |
4. ScS3 (ray paths ) |
Movie_S_ScS_1080p.wmv (8.44 Mb) | Movie_ScS3_1080p.wmv (20.4 Mb) |
Movie_S_ScS_720p.wmv (5.23 Mb) | Movie_ScS3_720p.wmv (12.9 Mb) |
5. S and sS (ray paths ) |
6. S and Sdiff (ray paths) |
Movie_S_sS_1080p.wmv (6.31 Mb) | Movie_S_Sdiff_1080p.wmv (11.9 Mb) |
Movie_S_sS_720p.wmv (4.20 Mb) | Movie_S_Sdiff_720p.wmv (7.69 Mb) |
7. ScSScS (ray paths ) |
8. SS precursors (ray paths) |
Movie_ScSScS_1080p.wmv (13.7 Mb) | Movie_SSprecursors_1080p.wmv (12.7 Mb) |
Movie_ScSScS_720p.wmv (8.66 Mb) | Movie_SSprecursors_720p.wmv (8.17 Mb) |
9. SS ray tube (ray paths) |
10. SSS (ray paths) |
Movie_SSraytube_1080p.wmv (12.8 Mb) | Movie_SSS_1080p.wmv (18.2 Mb) |
Movie_SSraytube_720p.wmv (7.91 Mb) | Movie_SSS_720p.wmv (11.5 Mb) |
11. SS (ray paths) |
12. SH-wavefield deep source |
Movie_SS_1080p.wmv (16.2 Mb) | SH_deep_source_1080p.wmv (11.6 Mb) |
Movie_SS_720p.wmv (10.2 Mb) | SH_deep_source_720p.wmv (7.49 Mb) |
13. SH-wavefield shallow source |
14. Elastic vs. Anelastic wavefield |
SH_surface_source_1080p.wmv (12.2 Mb) | Elastic_vs_Anelastic_1080p.wmv (12.0 Mb) |
SH_surface_source_720p.wmv (7.54 Mb) | Elastic_vs_Anelastic_720p.wmv (7.46 Mb) |
15. S and Sdiff with seismograms |
Movie_Sdiff_Seismograms_1080p.wmv (16.6 Mb) | |
Movie_Sdiff_Seismograms_720p.wmv (10.4 Mb) |
P-/SV-Wave Animations
3. P and PcP (ray paths) |
4. P and S (ray paths) |
Movie_P_PcP_1080p.wmv (3.75 Mb) | Movie_PandS_1080p.wmv (12.0 Mb) |
Movie_P_PcP_720p.wmv (2.19 Mb) | Movie_PandS_720p.wmv (5.6 Mb) |
Regional Scale Animations
1. High Velocity Anomaly |
2. Low Velocity Anomaly |
Movie_High_Velocity_Anomaly_1080p.wmv (10.0 Mb) | Movie_Low_Velocity_Anomaly_1080p.wmv (9.88 Mb) |
Movie_High_Velocity_Anomaly_720p.wmv (6.37 Mb) | Movie_Low_Velocity_Anomaly_720p.wmv (6.21 Mb) |
3. Snell's Law 1 |
4. Snell's Law 2 |
Snells_01_1080p.wmv (6.84 Mb) | Snells_02_1080p.wmv (6.92 Mb) |
Snells_01_720p.wmv (4.52 Mb) | Snells_02_720p.wmv (4.24 Mb) |
5. Snell's Law 3 |
6. Homogeneous Background |
Snells_03_1080p.wmv (5.69 Mb) | Movie_Homogeneous_1080p.wmv (4.68 Mb) |
Snells_03_720p.wmv (2.91 Mb) | Movie_Homogeneous_720p.wmv (2.57 Mb) |
7. Diffraction |
8. Headwaves |
Movie_Diffraction_1080p.wmv (9.95 Mb) | Headwaves_1080p.wmv (14.2 Mb) |
Movie_Diffraction_720p.wmv (6.33 Mb) | Headwaves_720p.wmv (7.58 Mb) |
9. Scattering |
10. Two Layers (Direct, Reflected, Refracted Arrivals) |
Scattering_1080p.wmv (8.03 Mb) | Two_Layers_1080p.wmv (13.0 Mb) |
Scattering_720p.wmv (5.05 Mb) | Two_Layers_720p.wmv (8.34 Mb) |
11. Reflected Arrivals |
12. Reflection. Courrugated boundary |
Multiple_Reflections_1080p.wmv (7.04 Mb) | Corrugated_Reflector_Minimum_Time_1080p.wmv (5.9 Mb) |
Multiple_Reflections_720p.wmv (4.48 Mb) | Corrugated_Reflector_Minimum_Time_720p.wmv (3.3 Mb) |
Multiple_Reflections_slower_1080p.wmv (7.04 Mb) | Corrugated reflector on top and bottom. Part 1 in Fermat's Principle animations. |
13. Elliptical Boundary |
14. Circular Boundary |
Elliptical_Reflector_1080p.wmv (6.4 Mb) | Circular_Reflector_1080p.wmv (4.4 Mb) |
Elliptical_Reflector_720p.wmv (3.6 Mb) | Circular_Reflector_720p.wmv (2.3 Mb) |
Elliptical boundary with source and receiver located at the ellipse foci. Part 2 in Fermat's Principle animations. | Circularl boundary. Source and receiver located at same position as in previous two animations. Part 3 in Fermat's Principle animations. |
Lunar Animations
1. Deep Moonquake (SH-waves) |
2. Shallow Moonquake (SH-waves) |
VPREMOON_Deep_Source_1080p.wmv (3.9 Mb) | VPREMOON_Shallow_Source_1080p.wmv (6.35 Mb) |
VPREMOON_Deep_Source_720p.wmv (2.2 Mb) | VPREMOON_Shallow_Source_720p.wmv (3.50 Mb) |
3. Deep Moonquake with global scattering (SH-waves) |
4. Shallow Moonquake Cartoon (SH-waves) |
Deep_Moonquake_Scattering_1080p.wmv (4.56 Mb) | Moonquakes_1080p.wmv (3.38 Mb) |
Deep_Moonquake_Scattering_720p.wmv (2.66 Mb) |
5. Deep Moonquake with crustal scattering (SH-waves) |
6. Shallow Moonquake w crustal scatterers (SH-waves) |
Deep_Moonquake_CrustScatter_1080p.wmv (4.17 Mb) | ShallowMoonquake_CrustScatter_1080p.wmv (7.45 Mb) |
Deep_Moonquake_CrustScatter_720p.wmv (2.25 Mb) | ShallowMoonquake_CrustScatter_720p.wmv (4.72 Mb) |
Ray Path Animations
1. Sdiff, SKS, and SKKS |
Sdiff_SKS_SKKS_raypaths.wmv (1.74 Mb) |
Other teaching related animations
1. Fourier Series Expansion of a Square Wave |
Square_Wave_1080p.wmv (2.25 Mb) |
Figures Related to Animations
PREM Reference Model |
VEPREMOON Reference Model |