Text Breaks / Divisions |
<p> |
Paragraph Forces new paragraph with one blank line separator |
Lesson 4 |
<br> |
Line Break Forces new line without blank line separator |
Lesson 4 |
<hr> <hr width=X size=X align=left|right noshade> |
Hard Rule Forces new line with solid line separator. Optional attributes width specifies the width of the line on the page, where X is absolute number of pixels or "X%" for a width relative to the browser window; size specifies the thickness of the line in pixels; align forces the line to be aligned to a side of the page rather than the center; noshade draws a solid line without 3D shading |
Lesson 4; Lesson 19; Lesson 20 |
<center>... </center> <p align=center>... </p> |
Center Alignment Aligns everything to the center of the page |
Lesson 20 |
<div align= left|center|right> ... </div> |
Division Aligns everything to left, center, or right side of page |
Lesson 20 |
<table>...</table> <table border=X cellpadding=Y cellspacing=Z>... </table> <tr>...</tr> <td align=left|center|right valign=top|middle|bottom rowspan=X colspan=Y </td> |
Table Simple table draws single pixel-width border and cell-wall divisions. Omitting the border attribute, or setting border=0 creates an invisble table. Values for border greater than 1 will create a thivker border around the table/ cellpadding is the amount of space (in pixels) between the cell contents and its walls. cellspacing determines the width of the inner cell walls. <tr> are table row defintions and <td> are table data definitions (one cell). Options for the <td> tags are for horizontal and vertical alignment within the cell. rowspan and colspan attributes can be used to create cells that stretch across more than one other cell. |
Lesson 21 |
Writing HTML Summary of HTML Tags: Text Breaks & Divisions
The Internet Connection at MCLI is
Alan Levine --}
Comments to levine@maricopa.edu
URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tags/tag3.html