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Summary of HTML Tags Used in the Tutorial

Web Page Structure | Text Formatting | Text Breaks & Divisions | Lists | Graphics | Hyper-Links |

<a href="file.html">
Local Hypertext Link
Link to another document in the same folder/directory.
Lesson 8a
<a href="data/file.html">
Local Hypertext Link
Link to another document in a folder/directory named "data" that is inside the directory containing the calling HTML document
Lesson 8a
<a href="../file.html">
Local Hypertext Link
Link to another document in a folder/directory that is one level higher relative to the calling HTML document
Lesson 8a
Uniform Resource Locator
Address for Internet resources
Lesson 8b
<a href="URL">
Internet HyperText Link
Link to another Internet Site, specified by URL
Lesson 8c
<a name="xyz"<...>
Named Anchor
Marks a section of text within a document with name "xyz"
Lesson 8d
<a href="file.html#xyz">
Link to Named Anchor
Jump to a named anchor within the same or another document
Lesson 8d
<a href="url">
<img src="file.gif"
Internet HyperGraphic Link
Inline image acts as hyperlink to site specified by URL. Including the border=0 attribute will suppress the display of a bounding box around the image
Lesson 8e; Lesson 22
<a href="mailto:
"doe@xyz.edu">... </a>
Internet Mail Link
Sets up email message to specified address
Lesson 12
<img src="image.gif" 

<map name="map_name">
<area shape="rect"
<area shape="rect" 
Client-Side Image Map
Clickable image map interpreted by browser. ... can occur anywhere in this or another HTML file. Coordinates are top left and lower right corners of rectangular shaped region
Lesson 23

Writing HTML Summary of HTML Tags: Hyper-Links

©1995, 1996, 1997 Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction (MCLI)
Maricopa Community Colleges, Arizona

The Internet Connection at MCLI is Alan Levine --}
Comments to levine@maricopa.edu

URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tags/tag6.html