WRF Code
WRF Code Modified at U of U.

Please add your code contributions!

Erik Neemann: Updated Matlab code to average plan-view and vertical cross-section data
Erik Neemann: Matlab code to average plan-view and vertical cross-section data
Jeff Massey: Running WRF as Large Eddy Simulation and Using ndown
Erik Neemann: Multipage PDFs in Matlab
John McMillen: Column Integrated Cloud Liquid Water in WRF
John McMillen: Matlab script to plot vertical levels in WRF
Erik Neemann: How to modify NAM initialzation files in Matlab
John Lawson: How to create an ensemble of WRF runs forced by GEFS/R2 ensemble members
Jeff Massey: National Landcover Database (2006) In WRF
John McMillen: Microphysics variable output, code and examples
John McMillen: Adding a microphysics variable to wrfout

Erik Crosman: Adding a spatially and temporally varying surface heat flux in large-eddy simulation

Trevor Alcott: Modifying lake temperature, snow cover, soil types, and 'surgery on mountains' in wrf real simulations

Allison Nugent (Yale): Tracers in WRF

Manuela Lehner: Extracting terms of the horizontal momentum and the thermodynamic equations

Manuela Lehner: Prescribing a spatially and temporally varying surface heat flux

Manuela Lehner: Adding new soil and vegetation namelist variables for idealized simulations

Manuela Lehner: IDL code to produce input_sounding for idealized simulations

Neil Lareau: Documentation for modifications to the WRF to export soundings

Neil Lareau: Code modifications to the WRF to export soundings

Daniel Brown U Alberta: Code modifications to add industrial heat source

Allison Nugent (NCAR): WRF Aerosol Aware Thompson Microphysics Scheme