Trips in the spring 2003

Spring 04 was pretty colourful trip-wise. I did one long trip, a couple of weekenders and lots of local outings.

Page with detailed description

3/19/04 Greeting the Spring around St. George
4/13/04 Trip to northern California
5/4/04 Fruita Fat Tire Festival
5/17/04 Riding in the Swell, part 1.
6/1/04 Riding in the Swell, part 2.

Local stuff

Below are links to pages and photos from some hikes, rides, etc. that happened in the Spring of 2003.

West Desert exploration rides
3/22/04 Lake Mountains (west of Provo).
5/10/04 Grassy Mountains (east of Salt Flats north of I-80).
4/24/04 Lakeside Mountains (west of GSL north of I-80).
6/12/04 Stansbury Island (western part of GSL).
Salt Lake spring epic rides
6/8/04 Epic ride from SLC to Big Mtn. Pass, Parley's and back
6/14/04 Take two on Mormon and GW trails
6/20/04 Sessions Mountains loop

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Last updated :08/06/2004 19:26:49